27 Yi

Omen of good fortune. Eye the mandible to see for yoursef what the mouth has to say.
========= Follow the mandible. Dangerous. There will be good fortune. Now is the time to ford the great river.
===   === Touch the firebrand. Omen of good fortune for occupying a settlement. It is not possible to ford the great river.
===   === Turn a jawbone upside down. There will be good fortune. The tiger's gaze is piercing, its prey so far away. No harm will come.
===   === Touch the mandible. Omen of misfortune. For ten years you cannot act. No signs are favorable.
===   === Turn a jawbone upside down; touch the firebrand to the crown. Attacking will bring misfortune.
========= Discard your sacred turtles; behold my racks of mandibles. Misfortune.